
Windows Azure: Building a Secure Backup System (part 5)

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4.6. Decrypting Data

Decrypting is the exact inverse of the encryption process, and the code is very similar to that used for encryption. In short, the following are the two steps for decryption:

  1. Separate Ksym in the encrypted archive and decrypt Ksym using Kenc.

  2. Decrypt data by using AES-256 in CBC mode and using Ksym as the key.

Example 7 shows the code to do this.

Example 7. Decrypting data
def aes256_decrypt_data(ciphertext, key, iv):
""" Decryption and unpadding using AES256-CBC and
the specified key and IV."""

dec =0

cipher = EVP.Cipher('aes_256_cbc', key, iv, dec, 0)
pbuf = cStringIO.StringIO()
cbuf = cStringIO.StringIO(ciphertext)

plaintext = aes256_stream_helper(cipher, cbuf, pbuf)
return plaintext

def block_decrypt(ciphertext, key):
""" High level decryption function. Assumes IV is of block size and
precedes the actual ciphertext"""
iv = ciphertext[:32]
ciphertext = ciphertext[32:]

def decrypt_rsa(rsa_key, ciphertext):
return rsa_key.private_decrypt(ciphertext, RSA.pkcs1_padding)

4.7. Signing and Validating Data

You now have encrypted data. The only cryptographic piece that is missing is the ability to sign the archive and validate this signature to catch tampering of any form.

In ancient days, this was done with a wax seal. The sender would pour molten wax over the letter, affix his emblem on the molten wax, and let it cool. The idea here was that no one else had access to the same seal (authenticity), and that any tampering could be easily detected (integrity).

Note: It is difficult to believe that some enterprising craftsman couldn’t replicate the seal of the King of England or other such royalty. But then, secrecy and cryptography in the Middle Ages worked in mysterious ways, and the real security might have come from the messenger carrying the letter, rather than the unbroken seal itself.

The signing RSA key (Ksign) can be used to achieve the exact same goals.

Note: This is different from the key pair you used for encryption (Kenc). Though an actual attack would be difficult, reusing the encryption key is considered a bad practice in RSA, since the math for encryption is the exact inverse of what happens when signing, effectively killing security.

Signing is very simple. The data to be signed is hashed using a cryptographically strong hash algorithm, and the hash is then encrypted with the private key to create the signature. The receiver computes a hash using the same algorithm, decrypts the signature using the public key of the sender, and checks whether the hashes compute.

In this case, the receiver is the user trying to restore a backup in the future. Any changes to the data would cause a change in the hash, and could be used to detect integrity failure. Since only the user knows the private key, an attacker cannot attach a signature, thus providing authenticity.

Example 8 shows the code for signing and verification. The code is straightforward because M2Crypto/OpenSSL does all the heavy lifting for you.

Example 8. Signing and verifying data
def sign_rsa(rsa_key, data):
""" Expects an RSA key pair. Signs with SHA-256.
Would like to use RSASSA-PSS but only dev
versions of M2Crypto support that"""

digest = hashlib.sha256(data).digest()
return rsa_key.sign(digest, 'sha256')

def verify_rsa(rsa_key, data, sig):
""" Verifies a signature"""

digest = hashlib.sha256(data).digest()
return rsa_key.verify(digest, sig, 'sha256')==1

Note: The only tricky bit is that M2Crypto expects the caller to hash the data before calling it. Though a type parameter is passed in with the hash algorithm used (SHA256, in this case), this parameter is not used by OpenSSL to hash the data, but rather to determine digest information before padding is added.

4.8. Putting the Cryptography Together

Now you need some “glue” code to put all the pieces together. Example 9 shows the code to create an encrypted archive given an input directory or file. It uses all the code you’ve seen so far to create a tar+gzip file, encrypt that file using a temporary session key, and then encrypt and append the session key itself. A signature is added at the end, and the encrypted archive is ready to be pushed to the cloud.

Example 9. Decrypting an encrypted archive
def extract_encrypted_archive(archive_name, keys):

#Load archive. Separate into encrypted AES key, plaintext sig of
# encrypted data and encrypted archive itself

enc_file = open(archive_name, "rb")
enc_file_bytes =

enc_aes_key = enc_file_bytes[0:256]
rsa_sig = enc_file_bytes[256:512]
enc_data = enc_file_bytes[512:]

rsa_sign_key = keys[crypto.SIGNING_KEY]
rsa_enc_key = keys[crypto.ENCRYPTION_KEY]

# Check the signature in the file to see whether it matches the
# encrypted data. We do Encrypt-Then-Mac here so that
# we avoid decryption
if not crypto.verify_rsa(rsa_sign_key, enc_data, rsa_sig):
print "Signature verification failure. Corrupt or tampered archive!"

# Decrypt the AES key and then decrypt the
# encrypted archive using the decrypted AES key
aes_key = crypto.decrypt_rsa(rsa_enc_key, enc_aes_key)
decrypted_archive_bytes = crypto.block_decrypt(enc_data, aes_key)

# Write a temporary file and then extract the contents to the
# current directory

[os_handle,temp_file] = tempfile.mkstemp()
temp_file_handle = os.fdopen(os_handle, 'wb')
extract_tar_gzip(temp_file, ".")

Encrypt-Then-MAC Versus MAC-Then-Encrypt

The code shown in Example 12-9 takes the encrypted archive data and appends a signature (a MAC, in cryptographic parlance) computed over the encrypted data, as opposed to the plaintext version. In the cryptographic world, opinion is split on whether this is a better way of doing this, as opposed to computing a signature over the plaintext and encrypting both the signature and the plaintext.

In reality, both techniques are valid, and it comes down to an individual preference. The book Practical Cryptography leans toward computing a signature over plaintext. Doing it the other way enables you to instantly detect whether an archive is valid without having to decrypt anything. You can find a summary of the arguments for doing encrypt-then-MAC at

The code in Example 9 is a bit longer than it needs to be, since a bug in Python’s tarfile module prevents you from dealing with tar+gzip files completely in memory. The data must be temporarily written to disk, and then read back into memory, where it is then encrypted and signed using the code already seen:

def create_encrypted_archive(directory_or_file, archive_name, keys):
# First, let's tar and gzip the file/folder we're given to
# the temp directory. This is a roundabout way of getting the tar+gzipped
# data into memory due to a bug in tarfile with dealing with StringIO

tempdir = tempfile.gettempdir() + "/"
temp_file = tempdir + archive_name + ".tar.gz"

generate_tar_gzip(directory_or_file, temp_file)

gzip_file_handle = open(temp_file,"rb")
gzip_data =
os.remove(temp_file) #We don't need source tar gzip file

#Generate a session AES-256 key and encrypt gzipped archive with it

aes_key = crypto.generate_rand_bits(256)
encrypted_archive = crypto.block_encrypt( gzip_data, aes_key)

# Encrypt Ksym (session key) with RSA key (Kenc)
rsa_enc_key = keys[crypto.ENCRYPTION_KEY]
aes_key_enc = crypto.encrypt_rsa(rsa_enc_key, aes_key) #256 bytes

# Sign encrypted data
# There's much debate regarding in which order you encrypt and sign/mac.
# I prefer this way since this lets us not have to decrypt anything
# when the signature is invalid
# See

rsa_sign_key = keys[crypto.SIGNING_KEY]
rsa_sig = crypto.sign_rsa(rsa_sign_key, encrypted_archive) #256 bytes

# Append encrypted aes key, signature and archive in that order
return aes_key_enc + rsa_sig + encrypted_archive

Extracting an encrypted archive is the exact reverse. The code first splits apart the encrypted AES session key (Ksym) and the signature from the encrypted data. This code relies on the fact that the lengths of these are well known. If different sizes were used in the future, this trivial method of parsing out the various parts of the file wouldn’t work.

The code then checks and verifies the signature and exits if the signature isn’t valid. If the signature is valid, the encrypted data is decrypted after decrypting the AES session key. Since the decrypted data is nothing but a gzipped, tarred archive, you wrap up by extracting the archive to the current working directory.

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